OWUI Meeting Minutes Oct 17, 2023


Olga Water Users, Incorporated 


Tuesday, Oct 17, 2023 5-6:30 pm — Olga Community Center 

Board members present, Pat Boehm, Paul Groeninger, Geoff Cunard

1. Call to Order: 5:05PM 

2. Approval of minutes for September Pat moves to approve, motion carries. 

3. OWUI Operators Report:  Operator is out on an emergency.

a. chlorine update 

4. OWUI Administrators report:  Geoff created a job description, shared it with a candidate who declined the position. He is starting to generate billing.  More email addresses have been collected.

5. Treasurer/ Financial report:  Guy is sick so no report

6. OLD Business: 

a. Intertie Update:  Pipe has been brought into and out of the vault at the control station, the curb around the base of the vault has been formed.  After it is poured, Island Ex can backfill. All parties are still waiting for feedback from DOH regarding DBWUA SWSMP.

i. SWSMP update On hold until DBWUA’s is approved.

b. Leak Detection Update:  Much work was done opposite Artworks to indentify the complicated plumbing at that location, but suspected leaky valve was found to be functioning.  The noise heard on the leak survey was cavitation at a fitting. A leak was repaired at Chris Morris’ garden meter. A leak was repaired at Dianne Gardiner’s between the corp. stop and the meter.  The hydrant at David Sofaer’s house appears to be leaking, but the valve that isolates it has not been located.

        7. New business:   Paul has spoken to Jason Hatch at Washington Water Trust to explore the idea of allowing some of our water to flow into the creek for fish passage.  Possibly get paid for it.  This process is ongoing.

 8. Public Access 

9. Next meeting time November 20, 2023 5:00PM 

10. Adjournment 6:12PM 


OWUI Meeting Minutes Sept 12, 2023


Olga Water Users, Incorporated 


Tuesday, Sep 12th, 2023 5-6:30 pm — Olga Community Center 

Board members present. Pat Boehm, Guy Woods, Paul Groeninger. Operator Dan Burke,

Members present: Dan Gottlieb, Grace Gottlieb

1. Call to Order:5:03 PM 

2. Approval of minutes for August   Approved

3. OWUI Operators Report 

No operator present - Sam intended to come but had to cancel

Meetings later in month are better from a standpoint of receiving monthly water quality report

Agreement that operator should submit written report in advance if they cannot attend

4. OWUI Administrators report 

  Sam has entered written meter readings into a spreadsheet.

Two leaks found and repaired

Payment plans continue trickling in

Geoff promises to work on Admin job description when he returns from vacation.

5. Treasurer/ Financial report 

No major spending as intertie has been on hold. 

Continue to project cash on hand will be sufficient to cover costs through end of year. 

Approve sharing cost of bringing Doe Bay old sand filters back online in accordance with terms of existing agreement re: sharing intertie related expenses. 

6. OLD Business: 

a. Intertie Update:  Guy and Dave met with Doe Bay - Doe Bay SWSMP is moving forward, filters to be refurbished and project to move forward.

Motion to update Doe Bay agreement to engineers recommended flow rate and include language around monitoring usage and ability to adjust future flow by mutual consent of both parties: approved.

i. SWSMP update 

Member suggests its important not to wait on SWSMP since we can’t submit funding applications without approved SWSMP.

Dave to coordinate with DOH and Engineer on whether SWSMP can be submitted immediately.

b. Leak Detection Update  3 out of 4 leaks repaired. Still a small leak at fire hydrant near David Sofaer’s property. Plan is to open hydrant and attempt to flush valve. Pat to to notify FD that hydrant is non-functional. Pat to confirm cost incurred to date on leak repair. 

c. Meter Update Ongoing.  No discussion of meters

d. Funding Update Webinars on Sep 20 and Oct 11 on DOH construction loans. Guy to contact Jocelyn Grey regarding first steps for applications in case there are steps that can be taken prior to approved SWSMP.

7. New business 

 a.Paul - clean water committee - there’s lots of interest from other organizations in potentially securing Olga water right for conservation. 

Paul to reach out to Jenny to contribute excess water to raise stream level through end of year the same way we did last year.

Paul will invite Jenny De Groot to October meeting. 

b.Water rights

Membership is vehemently opposed to any action which would put water rights at risk.

Discussion of what are next steps to take regarding securing our water right as we begin to flow water from Doe Bay.

c. Fire security

Member expresses concern that climate change makes wildfire danger inevitable. How are we planning for it? Lahaina fire - water system lost pressure as system drained. 

Creating emergency plans is a priority as demonstrated in SWSMP priorities. 

Discussion of valves to isolate sections of distribution system. Defensible fire zones for critical infrastructure. 

Next Meeting, Oct 17, 2023

Meeting Adjourned 6:57pm


OWUI Meeting Minutes August 8, 2023


Olga Water Users, Incorporated 


Tuesday, Aug 8th, 2023 6-7:30 pm — Olga Community Center 

Board members present. Pat Boehm, Guy Woods, Geoff Cunard, Paul Groeninger. Operator Dan Burke,

Members present: John Philips

1. Call to Order:6:00 PM 

2. Approval of minutes for July   Approved

3. OWUI Operators Report 

a. chlorine update Upcoming

b. propane?  Look into changing vendor to Inter Island

 c. Meter replacement options we should plan to use the same unit as EWUA and DBWUA. Badger cell based system which can also be read drive by.  Dan proposes we get together with DBWUA (Ted Wixom?) and talk to a Badger salesman, Brodie Van Noy bvannoy@generalpacific.com  425 754 5400

d. remind members that PRVs should be installed.

4. OWUI Administrators report 

 We’ve received a couple payments and are close to full collection.

 Lots of work SWSMP

Meter read data has been collated.  Geoff will  reach out to EWUA to do meter read on new spreadsheet instead of by hand.

5. Treasurer/ Financial report 

Bank balance is good, but intertie costs will use up most of our cash before years end.

6. OLD Business: 

a. Intertie Update  Vault will be installed Aug 18, we will get a schedule from EWUA in two weeks around the completion of the intertie.

i. SWSMP update 

b. Leak Detection Update  Valve across from Artworks and fire hydrants are leaking. Pat will get Paul from Island Ex to chase these leaks after he gets the vault installed.Pat wants us to remember that Pat and Paul need to be kept in the loop about meter and leak detection stuff

c. Meter Update Ongoing.  Pat will reach out to DBWUA and a vendor to gather more data

d. Funding Update The SWSMP has a number of action items that require funding.  Guy and Geoff will pursue state DWSRF Funding for some of these things.

7. New business 

      a.EWUA O&M duties fulfillment

8. Public Access 

John Phillips suggests we accept electronic payments.  Guy will look into Zelle.

Fran Macmillan asks us to confirm that the 3rd St. line is an MSL.  She provided us with MSL agreement for the Second St. line for her new house. 

9. Next meeting time September 12, 2023 5:00PM 

10. Adjournment  7:49PM