5:00 Meeting called to order. Board Members present: Pat Boehm, Paul

Groeninger, Geoff Cunard, Guy Woods.

1. Eastsound Operators Report (Dan not present)

2. Approval of minutes for NOVEMBER 14TH.

3. Financial report. Guy reported that our financials look good.

4. Discussion on Doe Bay-Olga intertie

a. Progress with Barry and Doe Bay on intertie box (Ongoing).

b. Financial committee with Doe Bay update Geoff and

Guy report that progress is being made in clarifying/finalizing

the budget for the intertie project.

c. Update on plan for fixing leaks and meters. Pat and

Paul report that a first step toward leak detection is installing

up to 5 meters on our distribution system to help identify

leaky areas. They will get us pricing for the meters., and

propose a budget for further upgrading meters systemwide,

and hiring a leak detection company.

d. President’s annual letter, approved by the board.

e. No further business, meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM

8. Next meeting, JANUARY 9th 2023, 5pm.

8. Adjournment.