5:00 Meeting called to order. Board Members present: Pat Boehm, Paul

Groeninger, Geoff Cunard, Guy Woods.

1. Eastsound Operators Report (Dan not present)

2. Approval of minutes for NOVEMBER 14TH.

3. Financial report. Guy reported that our financials look good.

4. Discussion on Doe Bay-Olga intertie

a. Progress with Barry and Doe Bay on intertie box (Ongoing).

b. Financial committee with Doe Bay update Geoff and

Guy report that progress is being made in clarifying/finalizing

the budget for the intertie project.

c. Update on plan for fixing leaks and meters. Pat and

Paul report that a first step toward leak detection is installing

up to 5 meters on our distribution system to help identify

leaky areas. They will get us pricing for the meters., and

propose a budget for further upgrading meters systemwide,

and hiring a leak detection company.

d. President’s annual letter, approved by the board.

e. No further business, meeting adjourned at 6:30 PM

8. Next meeting, JANUARY 9th 2023, 5pm.

8. Adjournment.


6:04 Meeting called to order. Board Members present: Pat Boehm, Dave Noneman, Guy Woods, Paul Groeninger, Geoff Cunard. Administrator: Catlin Noneman

OWUI Members present: Barry Gehl, Bryon Frenyea, Grace Chung, Dan Gottlieb, Hannah Boehm, Mark Mayer.                                                                       


1.     Administrators report.

2.     Approval of minutes for October 10th, 2022. Approved.

3.     Financial report. Accepted.

4.     Discussion with members on Doe Bay-Olga intertie

a.     Barry-Are the costs known?

Pat- The budget is approximately $450,000, but there are many unknowns; trenching issues could come up, the box/treatment plant is still being engineered. All costs/overages to be split w Doe Bay.

b.     Barry- Are costs going to the membership over time?

Guy- The project will be paid for with OWUI reserves, replenishing reserves will come from the yearly assessments.

c.      Dan- Redundancy is key for keeping utilities going during climate issues, what are the plans for the plant going forward?

Guy- If there are changes to hydrologic cycles on Orcas our raw water line is at higher risk than Doe Bay’s.

Pat- Combined with Doe Bay we’ll be better equiped to handle stresses on the system.

Dave- Our agreement is the plant will be deactivated, not disassembled, so it could be brought back online if needed. As well, moving our water rights gives us better options for water intake in the future.

Dan- How long would that take?

Board- Exact timeline for bringing that plant back online unknown, but not expected to take that long.

d.     Dan- How are new hookups affected? Hannah- What’s the potential for growth?

Pat & Dave- We have to identify and stop leaks before more memberships can be added, we are currently leaking in excess of 50%.

e.     Grace- OWUI needs to be thinking longer term about rehabbing the plant/changing water intake.

Pat- Currently our pipe from the intake is above ground and easily destroyed, replacing this needs to be a priority in the future.

f.       Hannah- Does OWUI need to have a certain amount of money in reserve?

Dave- The state would like to see approximately $500,000 but that is just a suggestion, not a requirement.

g.     Dave- Have we determined if we are tied to Doe Bays debt from past financial missteps?

Guy will follow up at an upcoming joint finance meeting, Doe Bay has said expenses are portioned, some are joint/some private.

OWUI is a customer, Doe Bay is a vendor.

h.     Bryon- How is the cost of water being figured, is it based on usage?

Dave- OWUI will be paying a flat fee for 40,000 gallons of water a day. The cost is based on the amount of water that flows through the meter and will be adjusted year by year as agreed upon within the joint finance committee.

i.        Dan- Is there a contract in place?

Guy- So far, our discussions have been in good faith, what do we do when we don’t get along? The agreement must be solid; we will move forward with a contract.

Pat- We need all signatures on agreement from both boards, Dave will do this.

j.        Grace- OWUI should change out all old meters for new ones.

Pat- Meters are high on the list, along with finding and fixing leaks.


5.     New Business:

a.     Pat has a meter on his property that was installed in the wrong place and needs to be moved.

b.     New meters need to be checked again and adjusted before billing.

c.      How do we tackle leaks? Add more inline meters? Pat & Paul will meet and make a list of how/what needs to be done, will report back at next meeting.


6.     Adjournment at  7:01 PM

7.     Next meeting is Monday December 12th at 5:00PM.


6:02 Meeting called to order. Board Members present: Dave Noneman, Guy Woods, Paul Groeninger, Geoff Cunard (via phone). Administrator: Catlin Noneman. Dan Burke, EWUA. OWU Members present: Sandy Taylor                                                                       Jenny DeGroot, fisheries biologist.


*Jenny DeGroot spoke about the need for water in cascade creek for Coho salmon spawning, discussed options for leasing/volunteering water.


1.     Eastsound Operators Report.

2.     Administrators report. Discussion of payments & website update.

3.     Approval of minutes for September 12th, 2022. Approved.

4.     Financial report. Accepted.

5.     Old Business:

a.     Doe Bay Intertie. Review of discussion points from meeting between OWUI & DBWU Boards.

b.     Statement of Intent to be sent to Shawn Alexander for opinion.

c.      Guy will draft letter of key talking points/changes OWUI will request.

      6.  New Business:

a.     Proposal for all invoices over $5,000 to be approved by President & Treasurer. Motion to approve: Dave, Second: Geoff. Approved.

b.     Proposal for line of credit from Banner Bank. Motion to approve: Guy, Second: Dave. Approved.

c.      Discussion of special meeting & letter to the membership.


7.     Adjournment at 8:24 PM

8.     Next meeting is Monday November 14th at 5:00PM.