OWUI Meeting Minutes, January 10, 2024

Wednesday, Jan, 10th, 2024 5-6:30 pm — Olga Community Center 

  1. Call to Order: 05:04 PM 

    1. Board members present: Pat Boehm, Guy Woods, Geoff Cunard, Paul Groeninger, Dave Noneman

  2. Approval of minutes for December

    1. Approved.

  3. OWUI Operators Report 

    1. Production 

      1. Olga plant has remained stable at an average of 9 GPM for the month.

      2. With production remaining stable, no new significant leaks have developed.

    2. Cold Weather

      1. In preparation for below freezing temperatures this week, team will be ready to perform meter shut offs as needed. 

    3. Repairs

      1. Found compromised infrastructure on the main side of the meter at 73 Olga Park Ln. Will go back to the main and replace the service line and setter.

    4. Intake Monitoring

      1. Due to potential clogs from the recent rains and high winds, inspected raw water intake in Cascade Stream. 

      2. Intake is currently free flowing. Will continue frequent inspections throughout the winter.

    5. Chlorine Deposit Refunds

      1. Chlorine container deposit refunds were being incorrectly credited; issue was resolved. 

      2. Olga was credited with the correct deposit refunds. Operators contacted Cascade Columbia to avoid this issue in the future.

  4.  OWUI Administrators Report 

  1. New administrator onboarded as OWUI staff: Susan Min

  2. Deposits

    1. Checks have been deposited by Geoff, will continue to deposit this week.

  3. Banner Bank

    1. Signature cards

      1. Bank requires updated signature cards from the Board.

      2. Guy moved for Susan to receive online access to Banner Bank, to make deposits, and to receive Banner Bank signature card for Susan to use Banner Bank account to pay for administrative expenses incurred for OWUI. Geoff and Pat seconded motion. Approved by entire Board.

  1. Treasurer/Financial Report

    1. Budget Review for 2025

      1. Guy presented proposed budget for 2025.

      2. Board reviewed line items and discussed reasonable budget cuts to improve bottom line.

      3. Guy to adjust proposed budget and present for final board approval in February.

    2. Certificates of Deposit (CDs)

      1. Guy advised to expand OWUI’s financial portfolio by executing CDs while the rate remains favorably high.

      2. Dave moved for Guy to execute CDs with rates higher than 4.5%; Geoff seconded. No opposition; Board fully approved.

6. OLD Business: 

a. Intertie Update 

i. SWSMP update: 

As directed earlier, Dave contacted Doe Bay regarding the status of the intertie. Doe Bay does not know status at this time. As of December 14, 2023, Doe Bay was still waiting to receive its approval from WA Dept. of Health that Doe Bay has the capacity to take on the intertie.

 Geoff to contact Barry for a reasonable timeline.

        7. New business 

a. Operations and Maintenance Report

i. Fish population:

Pat met with Jenny DeGroot regarding potential project involving scientific study of fish population in Olga water. No further progress on this matter was made nor is scheduled at this time.

ii. Sand filters:

In preparation of plant deactivation in relation to intertie project, Board discussed best practices to shift the active plant to dormant status, including maintaining flow through sand filters and contracting out periodic meter reading.

  1. Leak update:

There was a pipe leak going to the valve at the fire hydrant at David Sofaer’s. Island Excavating addressed the leak today; it is now being repaired. Hydrant does not need to be capped.

There was a half-gallon/minute leak at Pat’s. Pat believes this to be a frost freeze leak. Will investigate.

  1. Flume/Smart Meter:

Board discussed benefits to OWUI members using a flume device or “smart” meter reader to have better awareness of potential issues and mitigate losses. Paul to prepare a draft summary to promote use of a flume device; Board to receive Paul’s draft and review for Board approval before distributing to OWUI members.

  1. Vendor Billing

To improve OWUI organizational practices, Dave would like Board to consider adopting a new vendor billing policy that would have vendors (e.g., outside contractors, service providers, etc.) bill OWUI within 45 days of work/service performed. Bills submitted after 45 days may be subject to Board review or require Board approval, as proposed by Dave. Board engaged in robust discussion about how external billing practices may not be readily influenced by OWUI policies. Geoff directed Board to pause further discussion of the matter until Dave prepared a draft policy for Board review. Dave to prepare draft and present at next Board meeting.

  1. Alternative Board Meeting Locations

Board continues to explore options for alternative locations to hold the monthly board meetings, as the current location is not wi-fi enabled, which prevents some members from being able to attend. Having wi-fi and internet during these meetings will allow increased participation by the Board and the community.

The newly remodeled Olga Store building has an internet/wi-fi enabled conference room, which may become available for non-profits to hold meetings. Geoff to ask Selby about availability of the Olga Store conference room.

 8. Public Access No public members present.

9. Next meeting time February 15, 2024  5:00PM 

10. Adjournment 6:33 PM

OWUI Meeting Minutes, December 12, 2023


Tuesday, Dec 12th, 2023 5-6:30 pm — Olga Community Center 

Board members present: Geoff Cunard, Pat Boehm, Guy Woods

Operator, Sam Prado

Admin job candidate, Susan Min

1. Call to Order: 5:08PM 

2. Approval of minutes for November: Board approves.

3. OWUI Operators Report  production is down currently  8gpm. Last November production was 17gpm. A number of large leaks have been fixed since then. Discussion of water use efficiency tracking. Is the Fire Department filling their trucks at our hydrants and if so, are they recording the amount of water used?  Geoff will research. Because use is very low, the operator is needing to open valves at the system ends to keep chlorine up to minimum standard. The amount of water used for this purpose is being recorded for WUE tracking. Sam informed us of new EPA lead and copper regulations that require us to compile an inventory of service lines on both the distribution side and customer side.  By Oct 2024 we need to have an inventory of at least 20% of the service lines, and more each year until the inventory is complete.  The method would be to expose the underground meter setter at each meter location, where both the distribution line and customer service line can be viewed.  This will require excavation at meter locations. EWUA is developing a technique to do this using a Shop Vac. We hope to contract with EWUA to do this work for us in April or May.  Guy suggests we pursue DWSRF funding for this. Sam has asked for a finished water production meter for our plant. Board approves.  Pat shares with Sam his new position as director of operations and project management. Pat asks Sam to notify him any time EWUA works on our distribution system.

a. chlorine update   See above.

4. OWUI Administrators report: All bills are prepared and ready to email on Dec 15. The Board Letter is ready to include with the bills.  We now have email addresses for all but a handful of members.  Those members without email will receive their bills via snail mail. Geoff has shared the Admin job description with two candidates.  He interviewed one yesterday, and the other one is here at the meeting tonight.  Board interviews Susan Min and hires her with a starting date of Jan 11,2024.

5. Treasurer/ Financial report 

No major changes.  We still have plenty of cash on hand, and Guy will work on a 2024 budget to present at the January board meeting. 

6. OLD Business: 

a. Intertie Update: No update since last month.

i. SWSMP: No update.

b. Leak Detection Update Pat will finish repairs at David Sofair’s house.  The leaking hydrant will be removed. Pat has spoken to the fire Marshall who told him that the Fire Department does not use hydrants on 3” lines, because the volume is inadequate.  Therefore there is no plan to replace the hydrant.

        7. New business Pat will meet with Jenny DeGroot and Peter Guillozet tomorrow regarding  providing more water for the fish in Cascade Creek. Is there money available for us to lease a portion of our excess water rights for fish conservation?

 8. Public Access No members present. 

9. Next meeting time January  10, 2024 5:00PM 

       10. Adjournment 6:29PM

OWUI Meeting Minutes, Nov 22, 2023


Olga Water Users, Incorporated 


Monday, Nov. 20th, 2023 5-6:30 pm — Olga Community Center 

Board members present:  Geoff Cunard, Pat Boehm, Guy Woods 

Operator not present.

1. Call to Order: 5:00PM 

2. Approval of minutes for October: Minutes approved

3. OWUI Operators Report  No operator present

a. chlorine update 

4. OWUI Administrators report.  Search for new administrator continues.  Guy has a lead.  Geoff will reach out to her ASAP.  Admin has found a couple of major leaks during billing.  Significant customer side leaks were identified on Merrymac Lane and Winterbrook farm Rd.  Both have been repaired.  Also a major leak at a hydrant at Olga Park Lane has been repaired, and leak at Chris Morris’ meter has been repaired. A customer reported an open standpipe at the end of Olga Park Lane.  It turns out our operator is flushing that line, and will document the volume lost for our annual WUE calculation.

5. Treasurer/ Financial report  We are in good shape, as Intertie project has slowed down.  Cash on hand is looking good.  We had a big month spending wise in October due to leak repairs and engineering expense.

6. OLD Business: 

a. Intertie Update  

i. SWSMP update Doe Bay continues to work with DOH, DOE,and the engineer toward completing their SWSMP.  Ours will follow on after DBWUA is complete.

b. Leak Detection Update (see above)

        7. New business:  At July meeting, a succession plan was instituted where Pat Boehm would transition to director of Operations and Project Management.  Geoff was chosen to succeed Pat as President.  This change is effective Oct 31,2023. 

Land Bank water lease for salmon recovery.  Pat spoke to Jenny DeGroot at her presentation about salmon recovery in town.  Pat will reach out to Peter Guillozet to discuss future water releases for salmon.

 8. Public Access  No public present

9. Next meeting time December 12, 2023 5:00PM 

10. Adjournment 5:59 PM