6:03 Meeting called to order. Board Members present: Dave Noneman, Guy Woods, Paul Groeninger, Geoff Cunard. Outgoing Board Members: Mark Mayer, Mary Anna Bishop Martin, Bryon Frenyea. Administrator: Catlin Noneman. OWU Members present: Sandy Taylor, Fran Macmillan.
1. Eastsound Operators Report:
a. Clear well complete.
b. Raw water intake reworked to reduce low flow & air gulping issues.
2. Administrators report. Discussion of communication & website update. Approved.
3. Approval of minutes for JULY 18th. Approved.
4. Financial report. Accepted.
5. Old Business:
a. Doe Bay Intertie
i. Discussion of possibility of splitting pipe/tank costs with DBWU
ii. Engineer needs map/specs of current OWUI system
iii. Need to further discuss what the cost of water from DBWUA will be
6. New Business:
a. Sandy: Questions to engineer regarding pressure, storage, chlorine concentration. Does SCADA ping when there are problems? Yes. Is there a meter on the tank? Yes.
Leasing water rights to the Land Bank? Unknown at this time, Guy will follow up.
b. Fran: If we merge w DB are we responsible for their debt? There is a large amount to be figured out before any agreement is made.
7. New Board Members & Positions: Guy Woods, Treasurer, Paul Groeninger, Secretary, and Geoff Cunard, Director at Large
8. 7:40PM adjournment of regular session, move into Executive session.
9. At 8:18PM Dave made motion to adjourn Executive session, seconded by Geoff.
10.Next meeting is Monday September 12th at 6:00PM.