6:02 Meeting called to order. Board Members present: Dave Noneman, Guy Woods, Paul Groeninger, Geoff Cunard. Administrator: Catlin Noneman. Dan Burke, EWUA. OWU Members present: Mary Anna Bishop Martin, Dan Gottlieb, Brian McMillan. Jenny DeGroot, fisheries biologist.


*Jenny DeGroot spoke about the need for water in cascade creek for Coho salmon spawning, discussed options for leasing/volunteering water. Paul will follow up with Jenny.


1.     Eastsound Operators Report:

a.     Meter reading completed, GIS of all meters done along w pictures

b.     SCADA update for WADOH monitoring, cameras installed at plant

c.      Leak(s)-Paul & Guy will walk the distribution line with EWUA operator, motion by Dave to approve fee not to exceed $1500, 2nd by Geoff. Approved.

2.     Administrators report. Discussion of payments, website & invoicing.

3.     Approval of minutes for August 8th, 2022. Approved.

4.     Financial report. Accepted.

5.     Old Business:

a.     Doe Bay Intertie.

   DBWUA meeting & decision about financial contribution within the next few weeks

   Increased cost and need for financing

    Need to further discuss what the cost of water from DBWUA will be


      6.  New Business:

Dan: What are the plans for the water plant going forward? Options are still being discussed, will keep serviceable for the near future.


7.     7:41PM adjournment of regular session, move into Executive session.

8.     Adjournment at 8:23 PM

9.     Next meeting is Monday October 10th at 6:00PM.